Braunwald - Oberblegisee hike
Total distance: 12km | Elevation gain: ~300m | Total time: 4-5hs return |
This easy but a very scenic hike in Glarus Süd goes along the valley and passes some of the most scenic farms you’ve ever seen and of course beautiful mountain landscapes. Almost all the way there are views of the surrounding alps which makes it a very enjoyable walk.

Start and finish: Braunwald. It takes ~1.45hs from Zurich HB: one train to Linthal Braunwaldbahn and a funicular to Braunwald.

The hike starts at Braunwald, a small but very scenic village at 1,250m where you can get to with a funicular from Linthal.
There are a few ways to get to Oberblegisee: the easiest one is to take Höhelistrasse and then Luchsingen all the way to Bächistübli and follow the signs to the lake. Another way is to take the panorama way.

The first option is fairly flat, the track is easy to follow and the surface is good. There is a short descend and a climb before and after Bächistübli, the restaurant where you can get food, drinks or just refill the water bottle.

The way back follows the same route in reverse. This is not so bad as you will have a different view all the way to Braunwald which is also quite scenic.